Peace Corps Projects Have Greater Reach Than Expected
As part of Peace Corps’ 60th anniversary celebration week, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival held “The Peace Corps at 60 and...
During her two years of teaching middle and high school English at School#1 in Kyzyl-Kiya, Tracy worked to draw community attention to environmental issues. Following Peace Corps, Tracy remained in Kyzyl-Kiya, working for a foreign company making significant investments in the region, welcoming customers to the region with Kyrgyz hospitality, and helping ex-pat employees navigate the local culture. Tracy returned to the US in 1999 and now works in Business Development with IPC, a not for profit trade association for the electronics industry.
As part of Peace Corps’ 60th anniversary celebration week, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival held “The Peace Corps at 60 and...
K-3 volunteer, Tracy Riggan shares her recipe for Besh Barmak that she learned while serving in the village of Kyzyl-Kiya...
These are not the samsa you get at the bazaar from the clay oven, but they are just as tasty...
So, I had planned to make shashlik. Though I am a pescatarian, it’s a dish I prepare for my family...